You Are Not Powerless: How to Take Action Beyond the Ballot Box & Take Back Your Manifesting Power
The Secret of Your Soul Contract: REVEALED
You’ve probably heard about a “soul contract”; we all have one. The basic idea is that before you incarnated into this life, you agreed to the lessons your soul would work on in this lifetime.
The funny thing is, I recently had an “ah-ha” moment about how we humanized this concept so much that it may be hindering spiritual learning. I want to share my ah-ha with you because I feel that starting this month (March 2024) and going forward for at least two more years, this will be an important less…
Stepping into the Light: My Journey to Embracing Conscious Channeling
You've probably heard of Channeling. You might be familiar with Seth, Bashar, Abraham, and maybe others. You're probably used to them saying something like, "Let me invite them in…" before they have an obvious shift of consciousness, and then the channeled being tends to speak through the person.
I have been called to channeling my WHOLE life, but this way of doing things never felt aligned with who I am. In fact, I knew in certain instances I was and do channel but not in this way. Since I had…
Evolving Beyond Manifestation: The Journey to Soul Work Practices
It's been a while since we delved into the realms of manifestation and soul work, hasn't it? As I reflect on the journey since I first penned down "The 7 Steps to Manifesting Your Dream Life," I can't help but marvel at the evolution we've all undergone together.
Originally, the book was all about manifesting your desires, crafting your reality with intention, and harnessing the power of the universe to bring your dreams to fruition. And while those principles remain solid, my own journey of se…
Practical Insights into Your Soul & Life Purpose
You've probably seen countless courses and workshops on discovering your Soul Purpose or Life Purpose. Well, my take on it might raise a few eyebrows, but I'm here to spill the tea—for free. I'll break down what it all means, the real difference between them, and how you can uncover yours.
The insights I'm sharing were both downloaded to me by spirit and, after a lot of pondering, I have found logically sound, once I decoded everything Spirit channeled my way.
I've kept this wisdom to myself, …
What is a Soul Coach?
I've been asked this numerous times since 2016. That year, I received my ICF accredited Holistic Life Coaching Certification—another notch in my educational belt in my lifetime study of metaphysics.
In those wonderful 10 days, Spirit bestowed upon me the title of Soul Coach. My teacher, Dez Stephens, even said at the time, “That is SO YOU!” I was glad for her approval, but I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant. Nevertheless, I embraced it.
It took me 8 years of spiritual journey and professiona…