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Co-Creative Life Coaching

I coach and support creative and spiritually hearted women who have highly analytical and logical minds that, although help us navigate the human world superbly, can sometimes get in our way when we are striving to manifest our dreams.

Learning to co-create with the Universe and tap into your infinite power as an extension of Source energy can start the ball rolling on manifesting everything on your vision board! 

I specialize in supporting woopreneur women and spiritual side hustlers like you to manifest their leap from that soul sucking 9-5 corporate job into their soul aligned businesses or a more aligned corporate career as well as general manifestation teaching.

All of it is possible when you open up to allowing the Universe to co-create the life you want with you.  Sound interesting?  Let's connect.  Start your journey by clicking the button below.

Start Here & Let's Connect!
With animation
With animation (3)

Private Channeled Readings

Not your ordinary every day card-slinger

I started my intuitive journey more than 4 decades ago through sharing channeled readings for friends, family and clients.  Since then, I've evolved, grown and expanded into being a spiritual teacher, advisor, coach, and author.  

However, I have ALWAYS loved doing private readings for folks to channel Spirit's message for you to help give clarity, energy healing and clearing, connecting with crossed over loved ones and any other messages Spirit may have for you.  As you may tell, I am not your ordinary everyday card-slinger.  I do not do future based readings but rather soul level spirit messages that you need to hear for your spiritual journey and direction.  Your future is up to you - I am just here to remind you that you are not alone in this co-creation.

Although, now my calendar is pretty stocked, I do love doing this kind of where when there is space for it.  Use the red button below to see what openings I have and if you see one snatch it up because it might now be there later!  Looking forward to seeing you on my calendar!

All private sessions are:

  • 1 hr long
  • on Zoom
  • Recorded and emailed to you after your session
Schedule Your Reading